Old-new UMS Head Rybnicek Presents Proposal for Changes in Local Gov't Financing

4. februára 2025 17:04
Bratislava, February 4 (TASR) - Trencin mayor Richard Rybnicek was re-elected as Slovak Towns Union (UMS) president at the 37th UMS congress, Banska Bystrica mayor and UMS vice-president Jan Nosko announced at a news conference following the congress on Tuesday, adding that the UMS's decision was unanimous. Rybnicek at the news conference presented the UMS's proposal for changes in financing of local government. "We've submitted a proposal and will be ready for a discussion on changing the financing [of local government]," he said, adding that the current model of local government's financing is becoming unsustainable for Slovak municipalities. "We demand that all taxes generated within the towns and villages remain in them. That is an absolutely basic model. Another model that we want is for the state, and especially the Finance Ministry, to set the minimum tax power of each municipality based on mathematical calculations," said Rybnicek. According to the UMS, 100 percent of the personal income tax revenue should remain in towns and villages. "Today we receive only a part of it. We think that Slovak towns and villages should get the whole 100 percent of personal income tax," stated the UMS president, adding that Slovak towns must be independent from the central government. The Union also suggests establishing of two state funds: one for regional development and the other for transport. "We're sending this entire proposal to the Slovak president and we will wait to see what the other associations come up with," added Rybnicek. ko/mcs
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