Fire in Turcianske Teplice Was Probably Caused by Electric Immersion Coil

15. januára 2025 16:19
Turcianske Teplice, January 15 (TASR) - The probable cause of the fire in a family house in Turcianske Teplice (Zilina region) early on Wednesday was an electric immersion coil used to heat a whirlpool, TASR was told by Zilina regional police spokeswoman Daniela Kockova. A fire investigator was called to the scene to investigate the causes of the fire. "He tentatively ruled out somebody else's fault and as the probable cause of the fire stated an electric immersion coil, which heated a whirlpool placed on the plot of the family house," said Kockova. The spokesperson added that workers from the Fire Technical-Expertise Institute and experts from the Criminalistic-Expertise Institute of the Police Corps Presidium have arrived at the scene to determine the exact cause of the fire. The owner of the house in which the fire broke out on Wednesday night is MP Pavel Luptak (Independent). No one suffered injuries as the lawmaker was on holiday abroad with his wife at the time. He estimated the property damage at €300,000. am/mcs
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