Judicial Council Disagrees with Prosecution of Judge Denisa C. for Bending Law

11. júna 2024 15:56
Bratislava, June 11 (TASR) - The Judicial Council expressed its disagreement with the prosecution of judge Denisa C. [name abbreviated due to legal reasons] for bending the law, Judicial Council Office spokesperson Veronika Vasilkova has confirmed for TASR. Dennik Sme daily was first to break the news. "At its non-public session held on June 7, 2024, the Judicial Council expressed its disagreement with the criminal prosecution of the judge for bending the law. The Judicial Council noted that the expression of disagreement has no effect on the criminal prosecution for other crimes she may be charged for," said Vasilkova. Denisa C.'s tenure as a judge is currently suspended, as she faces charges of corruption. These are based on chats of controversial entrepreneur Marian K. on the Threema app. ko/mcs
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