Blanar Welcomes UN Security Council Resolution on Situation in Gaza Strip

11. júna 2024 13:32
Bratislava, June 11 (TASR) - Foreign Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) has welcomed the adoption of a US-submitted resolution on the situation in the Gaza Strip by the UN Security Council. According to Blanar, the resolution paves the way for a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages. The minister said that peace, stability and security in the wider Middle East region remains a permanent interest of the Slovak Republic. "Therefore, Slovak diplomacy has long been advocating a resolution of this conflict via dialogue and diplomacy. It also supports growing international efforts to resolve the conflict in the Middle East in the form of a two-state solution, which we consider to be the only sustainable way out of the decade-long conflict and the basis for settling future relations between Israel and Palestine," remarked Blanar, as cited by his ministry. The ministry pointed out that this is the first resolution adopted by the UN Security Council that has clearly expressed support for the plan to stop the fighting and gradually end the armed conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The UN Security Council on Monday adopted a resolution put forward by the United States in support of a ceasefire proposal between Israel and Hamas that was presented previously by US President Joe Biden. zel/df
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