President Appoints Bucko as Rector of St. Elizabeth's University of Health Care

23. mája 2024 13:11
Bratislava, May 23 (TASR) - President Zuzana Caputova on Thursday appointed Ladislav Bucko as rector of St. Elizabeth's University of Health Care and Social Work (VSZaSP). During her speech, the president highlighted Bucko's professional qualifications and many years of experience. She also pointed to the values that the school spreads, such as solidarity and helping the weak and poor. "It is a strong emphasis on charity and helping people in poor and crisis regions of the world that represents a specific dimension of St. Elizabeth's University. After all, your character was partly shaped by years of teaching and missionary activities in Africa and Southeast Asia," said the head of state. According to Caputova, values such as solidarity and helping the weak, poor and excluded are extremely relevant in today's society, marked as it is by a high degree of polarisation. The president noted that Bucko has been associated with St. Elizabeth's University practically since its beginnings. She pointed out that the university offers education that other schools do not, such as tropical public health. ko/df
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