Gov't to Deal with Tax on Sweetened Drinks and Social Insurer

22. mája 2024 9:16
Bratislava, May 22 (TASR) - Sweetened bottled water, flavoured carbonated drinks, ice teas, juices and alcohol-free beer and wine with an alcohol content of up to 0.5 percent will be subject to a new tax as of the beginning of next year, according to a bill on tax on sweetened soft drinks due to be discussed at the Cabinet session chaired by Vice-premier and Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD). The government should also approve an amendment to the law on excise tax on tobacco products. In addition, the ministers will deal with the financial performance and strategic plans of social-insurance provider Socialna poistovna and a change in the statutes of the Government Anti-drug Policy Council. In line with the change, Tourism and Sports Minister Dusan Keketi (a Slovak National Party/SNS nominee) should become a council member. The Health Ministry has submitted a couple of proposals to the cabinet session as well. For example, the law on narcotics, psychotropic substances and preparations should be amended. The government will also decide on an amendment to the regulation on employee protection against risks related to exposure to chemicals at work. ko/df
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