Kalinak: Premier's Condition Following Surgery Stabilised, But Still Serious (2)

16. mája 2024 9:22
Banska Bystrica, May 16 (TASR) - The condition of Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) after surgery has been stabilised, but it is still serious, Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) informed the media along with representatives of the Banska Bystrica-based Roosevelt Hospital on Thursday morning. Hospital director Miriam Lapunikova added that two surgery teams operated on the premier for five hours. He is now being treated in the ARO (Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation) ward. "The patient had multiple gunshot wounds," she said, asking the media to respect Fico's privacy. Kalinak thanked all the medical staff at the hospital. "His condition is still very serious because of the complexity of the injuries, but we all want to believe that we'll be able to handle the situation," he added. Fico was shot following the government's away-from-home session in Handlova on Wednesday (May 15). Several shots were fired at the scene, with the gunman apprehended immediately afterwards. Fico was in a life-threatening condition and was transported to the hospital in Banska Bystrica by helicopter. ko/df
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