KDH Urges Gov't to Start Addressing Problems of People on Verge of Poverty

10. mája 2024 14:57
Bratislava, May 10 (TASR) - Opposition KDH urges the government to start addressing at its next session the problems of the people most endangered by poverty: single parents and families with more children, TASR learnt on Friday. KDH referred to a survey of financial situations conducted by a company called Intrum, which established that the majority of Slovaks are living hand-to-mouth existences and half of the Slovaks consider holding two jobs or at least eke out their income with occasional gigs. "I hope these alarming figures collected in the survey will open the government's eyes and it finally begins to do something for the people endangered by poverty," claimed KDH caucus chair Martina Holeckova. Holeckova warned that tight household budgets translate directly into deleterious effects on mental health. "Across the entire world, we witness an epidemic of mental illnesses and it is the lack of money that causes stress and uncertainty in the people endangered by poverty. The government must finally take action and stop diverting attention away from this problem. The travails of the people endangered by poverty can be put off no longer," she added. mf/mcs
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