Government Rejects Motion to Oust Culture Minister Martina Simkovicova (2)

9. mája 2024 16:59
Bratislava, May 9 (TASR) - The government rejects the motion to hold a no-confidence vote in Culture Minister Martina Simkovicova (an SNS nominee), according to a decision made at a session of the government on Thursday. The no-confidence motion in Simkovicova is slated to be discussed by Parliament on Friday (May 10) morning. The proposal to hold a no-confidence vote in Simkovicova was tabled by lawmakers of Progressive Slovakia (PS) and SaS back in February. In their view, the minister is interfering unduly with the freedom of culture with her statements and actions. In addition, the lawmakers take objection to changes about to be made to artistic funds and worry that the funds might have their public character and independence destroyed. In its response, the government pointed out that the culture minister has been following the plan outlined in the 2023-27 government manifesto. "All approved measures, changes, legislative motions and statements are in accordance with this document," stated the cabinet. The government also rejects criticism that by participating in alternative internet channel TV Slav, Simkovicova as culture minister violates the law. "TV Slav has not been carrying out any activities since early October 2023. The use of social networks and special platforms to disseminate audiovisual content is commonplace as a communication channel, and every citizen of the Slovak Republic has the right to use them," it claimed. mf/df
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