Remisova Calls on Fico to Convene Security Council Over Mass Cyber Attack

8. mája 2024 21:01
Bratislava, May 8 (TASR) - Prime Minister Robert Fico should immediately convene a session of the State Security Council over the cyber attack originating from abroad that falsely reported more than 1,500 bomb threats in Slovak schools on Tuesday (May 7), 'For the People' chair Veronika Remisova declared on Wednesday. "Never before in Slovakia's history has the education and mental well-being of school children been put under such threat as this week [...] We received calls from parents, mostly of the youngest children, who were scared and stressed out after their classrooms closed due to threats of bomb attacks originating from a Russian e-mail address," claimed Remisova. Remisova pointed out that electronic communication in contemporary Russia is under complete control of the state and so she finds it hard to believe that Russia couldn't have prevented such attacks from occurring. The situation is all the more serious considering that the threats were directed against small children, even kindergarteners. "Robert Fico, Peter Pellegrini and Andrej Danko like to boast with their good ties with the Russian Government and foreign policy oriented to all possible cardinal directions, but when they're supposed to address the endangerment of our children, they sit back with folded hands. At other times, Robert Fico convenes the Security Council over any trite nonsense, such as cobblestones set near a road, but when the security of our children and normal education is at stake, he's not capable of doing anything," noted Remisova and urged Fico to convene the Security Council without delay. mf/mcs
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