Drucker: False Bomb Reports a Cyber Attack of Hybrid Threat Category

8. mája 2024 21:01
Bratislava, May 8 (TASR) - Schools don't face any security threats at the moment and classrooms will reopen on Thursday (May 9), as the police has inspected all schools where bomb alerts were falsely reported on Tuesday (May 7), Education Minister Tomas Drucker (Voice-SD) announced on Wednesday. According to preliminary police findings, the coordinated mass false reports of bombs in Slovak schools were a cyber attack falling into a hybrid threat category. On Tuesday, more than 1,500 false bomb alerts were reported in schools. "We thank all school directors, teachers and school employees for their responsible approach and help in overcoming the crisis situation. The Police Corps deserves gratitude for their professionalism, support and cooperation," declared Drucker, who also thanked parents for their trust and understanding. According to the Education Minister, attacks of this kind demonstrate clearly why it's necessary to bolster the state's resilience against hybrid threats. "The nature of attacks of this kind pose a challenge, as they can elicit fear, cause damage or interrupt the education of children," he underlined. Because of this, the Education Ministry will continue to meet its commitment under the Government Manifesto to increase the resilience against hybrid threats. "Since April, for example, the ministry has run a department of strategic communication and also plans to make investments into schools' digital infrastructure that will deal with the sphere of cyber security," he added. mf/mcs
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