Opposition Urges Coalition to Withdraw Bill on NGOs (2)

30. apríla 2024 16:14
Bratislava, April 30 (TASR) - Opposition Progressive Slovakia urged coalition lawmakers to withdraw the bill on NGOs, which Parliament advanced to its second reading on Tuesday. KDH called for a discussion on making potential changes to the bill, and asked the coalition to submit it for comments in a proper process and not as a lawmaker's amendment. KDH warns that the bill will stigmatise organisations that often carry out tasks on behalf of the state, whereas the excessive red tape it introduces as well as the penalties in the form of steep fines or forced dissolution will liquidate many NGOs. Lucia Plavakova (PS) claimed that the bill paves the way for liquidation of NGOs and urged the coalition lawmakers to withdraw it. "If they won't do so, we're ready to stand up for the civic society in Slovakia. If it becomes necessary, we'll even file a complaint with the Constitutional Court," she underlined. David Dej (PS) warned about risks the bill poses for sports clubs and organisations, many of which operate as civic associations, so as to be able to apply for financial contributions, even from international organisations, for the preparation of sports events, for instance. "The bill won't have a single positive benefit to society. It might have serious consequences for the reputation of sports clubs, associations, however, but also the entire sports community in Slovakia," he said. Marian Caucik (KDH) stated that the coalition is gearing up to make life difficult for charity, social, youth, cultural, sports and environmental organisations. "These NGOs often carry out tasks on behalf of the state in many fields and now, the state is going to place obstacles in their way," he said. Amnesty International Slovensko (AIS) called the bill a direct attack against civic society. "If passed, the bill would pose an undue - and potentially fatal - bureaucratic and financial burden for the organisation of civic society. Those organisations that survive might also find themselves demonised and discredited, which could lead to further restrictions of their activities," said AIS director Rado Sloboda. He added that the bill violates international law and needs to be voted down. mf/mcs
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