EU20: Sucha: EU Membership Has Brought Economic Growth and Opportunities Abroad

27. apríla 2024 17:05
Bratislava, April 27 (TASR) - The period of Slovakia's membership of the European Union (EU) has been characterised by economic growth, modernisation of roads and buildings, revitalisation of public spaces and a strengthening of Slovakia's position in the world and in the EU, head of the European Commission's Representation in Slovakia Vladimir Sucha told TASR in anticipation of the 20th anniversary of Slovakia's accession to the EU, adding that it has also brought a number of opportunities for Slovaks abroad. Slovakia joined the EU on May 1, 2004. "Thanks to being in the [European] Union, Slovaks can easily travel, work and study in other member states, as Slovakia participates in shaping these policies and strategies along with its European partners. At the same time, we've been using the common currency, the euro, for 15 years," he said. According to him, EU membership has also brought economic stability to Slovakia, thanks to which significant foreign investments are flowing into the country. "The money we've received from EU funds covers on average up to 80 percent of our public investments, and we're net beneficiaries of EU funds. This means that we receive more from the European budget than we contribute to it," noted Sucha, adding that according to a recent study by Slovakia's central bank, the Slovak budget receives €4,000 more per capita thanks to Slovakia's EU membership. am/df
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