Remisova: Planned Public Procurement Changes Undermine EU Funds (2)

23. apríla 2024 18:23
Bratislava, April 23 (TASR) - Changes brought by the government-sponsored bill on public procurement significantly erode transparency and fair competition, which is why Slovakia may run the risk of receiving fines or even having its EU Funds payments stopped, opposition MP Veronika Remisova ('Slovakia'-For the People-KU) claimed on Tuesday. Remisova spoke in response to the bill, submitted by Investment Minister Richard Rasi (Voice-SD), that was forwarded by Parliament to the second reading on Tuesday. If the legislation is definitively passed in the next session, the changes will come into effect as of July. The bill opens the door for the creation of cartels, for instance, in construction orders, which increases the leeway for corruption and cost overruns. Remisova claimed that the government intends to hide from the public all construction work commissions up to €1.5 million. Under new rules, such commissions won't need to be published until the signing of a contract, which means that not only the public but even other construction firms won't learn of projects or reconstructions and thus won't be able to compete by offering, for instance, lower bids. Remisova also criticised the fact that under the new rules the Public Procurement Office (UVO) will no longer be allowed to look into commissions before contracts are signed. In the case of EU Funds, this means that instead of being able to fix mistakes gradually, the risk of mistakes and underhanded practices will grow. Remisova pointed out that in the Czech Republic, for instance, the supervisory body can look into public procurement processes at any stage of the process. Another risk stems from the fact that no rules will apply for commissions up to €50,000, according to the lawmaker. If it turns out later that a decision-maker misgoverned the procurement, it won't be seen as any violation of the law. mf/mcs
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