Klein Vision Sells Licence to Produce Flying Cars to Chinese Investor

5. apríla 2024 11:56
Bratislava, April 5 (TASR) - Slovakia-based company Klein Vision, which developed the AirCar flying car, sold the license for producing the vehicle to Chinese investor Hebei Jianxin Flying Car Technology in March, Klein Vision founder and general director Stefan Klein told a news conference held in Bratislava on Thursday (April 4) with representatives of the Chinese investor in attendance. "This transaction creates the preconditions for completing pre-serial prototype development and for building a factory to manufacture flying cars in China," said Klein. This ground-breaking deal for Slovak developers was made possible partly thanks to the long-term contacts between the transaction's co-investor, United Industries and its president Eduard Sebo, and Chinese partners. The main player in the Chinese consortium is Zhu Shouchen, an aviation enthusiast who owns and operates an airport and aviation school in Cangzhou. Its portfolio also includes a plant for producing Shark ultralight aircraft for the Chinese market, which, like AirCar, have roots in Slovakia. Jozef Jankovic, who flew a Slovak flying car in China, stated that the Chinese aviation industry is experiencing rapid growth. It is expected to become the biggest in the world in the years ahead. According to Jankovic, the Chinese government has been investing in the development of aviation infrastructure and supporting the growth of domestic airlines. Administration and licensing for general aviation looks set to be simplified as well, he said. AirCar is a two-seat vehicle that can be transformed from a car into a plane in less than three minutes. It can fly at a speed of 300 kilometres per hour. AirCar has successfully undergone a full testing programme, and it received an airworthiness certificate from the Slovak authorities in 2023. ko/df
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