Maldives Number One Holiday Choice among Slovaks for Christmas Holidays

9. decembra 2023 18:56
Bratislava, December 9 (TASR) - Slovak holidaymakers are most often attracted by exotic countries during the Christmas season, and they don't skimp on trips and like to indulge themselves, data by TUI ReiseCenter travel agency, which has composed a ranking of this year's most popular destinations for Christmas holidays among Slovaks, has shown. The number one country in the ranking is the Maldives, followed by Mexico and the Dominican Republic. According to TUI ReiseCenter sales manager Mariana Metwaly Veiglova, Slovaks most frequently choose an eight-day holiday during Christmas. On average, these trips cost almost €3,000 per individual. As many as 54 percent opt for five-star and high-class hotels, with 69 percent paying for an all-inclusive deal. Slovaks tend to spend more money on these types of holiday than Czechs and Hungarians. Exotic destinations didn't dominate the popularity ranking only during the Christmas holidays, but the entire winter season as well. In this ranking, the Maldives were still the number one choice, followed by the United Arab Emirates and Thailand. Austria was placed fourth, showing that Slovaks haven't completely given up on skiing holidays. zel/df/ko
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