PG Zilinka Rejects Public Questioning of Abilities of Regional Prosecutors

5. decembra 2023 11:37
Bratislava, December 5 (TASR) - Prosecutor-General Maros Zilinka has taken to Facebook to reject any public questioning of the ability of regional prosecutors to deal with criminal cases that currently fall under the remit of the Special Prosecutor's Office. "Regardless of the decision taken by representatives of the executive and legislative powers in relation to the future of the Special Prosecutor's Office, I firmly reject, as a matter of principle, public questioning of the ability of prosecutors of regional prosecutor's offices to deal with criminal cases that currently come within the powers of the Special Prosecutor's Office," wrote the PG. In his opinion, such statements are demeaning and unacceptably degrade the professional competence of regional prosecutors. This seriously jeopardizes the credibility of the prosecution service and unsettles the public. zel/df
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