SUMMARY - Monday, November 20, 2023 - 9 p.m.

20. novembra 2023 21:00
Bratislava, November 20 (TASR) - The Slovakia party, Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) and the Christian Democrats (KDH) criticise Prime Minister Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) decision to cut off communication with selected media, considering it to be unacceptable, TASR learnt on Monday. Bratislava, November 20 (TASR) - Dennik SME is discussing further steps to protect freedom of the press in Slovakia also with lawyers, editor-in-chief of the daily Beata Balogova told TASR in response to the decision of Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) to interrupt communication with selected media. Bratislava, November 20 (TASR) - A dangerous substance leaked near the D1 motorway in the section between Senec and Blatne (both Bratislava region), and it was therefore closed in both directions, the Bratislava regional police report on a social network on Monday. Bratislava, November 20 (TASR) - The D1 motorway is passable again after the leak of a dangerous substance, the Bratislava regional police report on a social network. Bratislava, November 20 (TASR) - Members of the Firefighter and Emergency Corps (HaZZ) are still trying to stop the leakage of a dangerous substance near the D1 motorway in the section between Senec and Blatne (both Bratislava region), Bianka Kralovicova from the HaZZ Presidium's communication department told TASR on Monday, adding that their work is being made more difficult due to the pressure in the tank in which the substance is located. Bratislava, November 20 (TASR) - President Zuzana Caputova expressed her sincere condolences to the family, loved ones and colleagues of academic, scientist and former education minister Martina Lubyova, TASR learnt from her post on a social network. Bratislava, November 20 (TASR) - Two new ambassadors presented their credentials to President Zuzana Caputova in the Presidential Palace on Monday, TASR learnt from the head of state's post on a social network. Brussels, November 20 (TASR-correspondent) - Slovakia is ready to extend the ban on the import of agricultural commodities from Ukraine if the European Commission (EC) doesn't find a suitable way to deal with the surplus of Ukrainian grain in Europe, Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Richard Takac (Smer-SD) stated following the meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council in Brussels on Monday. Bratislava, November 20 (TASR) - FTE automotive Slovakia will receive a state investment incentive worth over €17.5 million in the form of income-tax relief, according to the proposal of the Economy Ministry approved by the government on Monday. Notice: If you click on the link or copy it into the search window, the browser will display the full text of the message in the new e-TASR client zone. If you have any questions, please contact am
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