President Discusses Energy Measures with Economy Minister

4. októbra 2022 20:27
Bratislava, October 4 (TASR) – Economy Minister Karel Hirman assured me at a joint meeting on Tuesday that the availability of energy in Slovakia will be ensured; its price will be set for households, public institutions, small entrepreneurs and large customers so that they don't get into trouble, President Zuzana Caputova posted on a social network on the same day. "I spoke with Economy Minister Karel Hirman about the measures that the Government is preparing to mitigate the effects of the energy crisis. The minister told me that we're preparing for various development scenarios, also depending on the development of the common European solution," wrote Caputova. The currently presented European solution is disadvantageous for Slovakia at the moment, which is why we're trying to change it together with other countries. According to the head of state, along with capping prices, the Economy Ministry is also preparing aid schemes that will compensate customers for higher energy costs. am
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