MPs to return to Discussion on No-confidence Motion in Budaj on Friday Morning

23. júna 2022 20:39
Bratislava, June 23 (TASR) - MPs are set to continue the debate on the no-confidence motion in Environment Minister Jan Budaj (OLaNO) on Friday (June 24) morning, TASR learnt on Thursday. The extraordinary meeting opened on Thursday evening. Independent MP Miroslav Suja, who submitted the motion, said that the situation with the brown bear is deteriorating and is literally alarming. He read a letter from the relatives of a man who allegedly died after encountering a bear. Finance Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) presented the stance of the Government, which doesn't agree with the motion. He sees the proposal as part of a political struggle, declaring that the safety of citizens is of paramount importance for both the Government and the minister. He also rejects the politicisation of the problems associated with the brown bear. "Slovakia, as well as other EU countries, are governed by European legally binding acts, which prohibit the deliberate killing of brown bears in their natural habitat, deliberate catching and wounding them," Matovic quoted the Government's stance. am
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