SUMMARY-Saturday-July 4, 2020 - 10 p.m.

4. júla 2020 22:00
BRATISLAVA - The future of natural person identifiers that should have replaced current birth numbers has not yet been decided, Interior Minister Roman Mikulec (OLaNO) has told TASR, adding that there were many ambiguities and mistakes in the project already at the time when the former management presented it. "Now we have to make a decision whether to continue with such a project at all, or how to adjust it," said the minister. BRATISLAVA - Coalition MPs Ondrej Dostal, Radovan Kazda (both Freedom and Solidarity/SaS) and Jan Bencik (For the People) want the State Citizenship Act to return to its pre-2010 form. The MPs suggest that Slovak citizens can acquire citizenship of another country without losing their Slovak passports, regardless of whether they live abroad for a long time, for a short time or they live in Slovakia. BRATISLAVA - The coronavirus outbreak failed to check whether adopted measures were sufficient and correctly set and whether the Slovak health care sector would be able to cope up with coronavirus in case of its more significant spread, said Dusan Zachar, an analyst at the Institute for Economic and Social Reforms (INEKO) when evaluating Health Minister Marek Krajci's (OLaNO) first 100 days in the office. BRATISLAVA/VIENNA - Convicted Slovak criminal Viliam Misenka, who was detained by Austrian Police in Baden near Vienna on Thursday (July 2), will be placed into the pre-trial custody as per a decision by a judge of the Regional Court in Vienna on Saturday, court's vice-president Christina Salzborn told TASR on the same day. The pre-trial custody precedes Misenka's extradition to Slovak authorities. ko
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