Sutaj Estok Sees Living Space in EU and NATO, Slovakia Must Be Active Player
4. februára 2025 14:40
Bratislava, February 4 (TASR) - Slovakia's living space is only in the European Union and NATO, Interior Minister and Voice-SD leader Matus Sutaj Estok declared following the meeting regarding Slovakia's foreign-political orientation held at the Presidential Palce on Tuesday.
According to him, Slovakia must be prepared to be an active player, participate in EU policy and speak openly about foreign-political challenges.
"Our living space is only within the European Union and our security space is only within NATO. All the lies that have been presented on this issue, especially to people who want to express their opinion through a protest, are simply based on nothing," stated Sutaj Estok.
He guaranteed on behalf of the governing coalition that Slovakia won't "just passively watch and take orders from Brussels", but it will be actively interested, first and foremost, in the well-being of the people of Slovakia.
The Voice-SD leader expressed his regret over the absence of Progressive Slovakia (PS) and Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) representatives from the roundtable discussion. He stated that these parties are evidently uninterested in joining forces or having a constructive debate.
President Peter Pellegrini following the meeting between him, the coalition Smer-SD, Voice-SD and the Slovak National Party (SNS) and the opposition Christian Democrats (KDH) gave assurances that nobody wants or is preparing for Slovakia to leave the European Union and NATO. The PS and SaS leaders didn't accept the invitation to the roundtable meeting.