Parliament Opens Extraordinary Session to Hold No-confidence Motion in Dolinkova

9. mája 2024 18:24
Bratislava, May 9 (TASR) - Parliament has opened an extraordinary session on the motion to hold a no-confidence motion in Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova (Voice-SD), initiated by opposition parties PS, KDH, 'Slovakia', For the People and KU, TASR learnt on Thursday. The debate will run its full course, even into late evening hours if necessary. The vote is expected to be held on Tuesday, May 14, at 11 a.m. According to the opposition, the minister fails to address problems bedevilling the health care, such as the collapsing outpatient department sector or the shortage of nurses. The opposition also believes that the minister has put the drawing of EU funds into jeopardy and criticises the "non-transparent" decision to build a new university hospital in Bratislava. Dolinkova sees no reason to end her tenure. Opposition's SaS party didn't support the convening of the session, but it will vote for the minister's ouster. mf
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