SaS to Vote for Health Minister Dolinkova's Ouster After All

9. mája 2024 16:02
Bratislava, May (TASR) - Lawmakers of the opposition SaS party will vote for Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova's (Voice-SD) ouster during a no-confidence motion in her on Thursday, TASR learnt on the same day. "There are several relevant reasons for the ouster of Zuzana Dolinkova. The health-care sector needs strong management and leadership, but the very opposite is the case with minister Dolinkova at the helm," claimed MP Jana Bitto Ciganikova (SaS). SaS criticised the minister for making concessions to junior coalition partner SNS and over what they see as shortcomings concerning hospital reform. "In addition, people are now paying higher health levies, even though dental benefits have been scrapped and the outpatient department sector is tottering on the verge of collapse," added MP Tomas Szalay (SaS). The opposition PS, KDH and 'Slovakia' parties support the motion to dismiss Dolinkova, citing unaddressed problems in health care, a collapsing outpatient department sector and a critical shortage of nurses. Dolinkova sees no reason to end her tenure. mf/df
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