ElectionEP24: SaS Unveils Bratislava Declaration on Future of EU

9. mája 2024 14:46
Bratislava, May 9 (TASR) - The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party on Thursday unveiled its Bratislava Declaration on the Future of the EU, a document charting its approach to European policy, summarised in ten items. "The Declaration will serve as a guide for voting in the European Parliament. Of course, we've drafted that in much more granular detail in our programme as well," stated SaS election leader Richard Sulik at a press conference. The document is supposed to serve as a springboard for potential talks on which European Parliament faction SaS might join after the elections. SaS plans to bolster the competitiveness of the EU by increasing the quality of its products and services or making them cheaper than those in the rest of the world. SaS would also like to reinforce the EU's subsidiarity, to reconsider already passed or drafted legislation concerning the Green Deal, with an emphasis on the urgency of climate measures, to enhance the defence capabilities of individual EU members and to secure the European border against illegal migration. mf/df
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