'Slovakia': We Hold In High Esteem Those Who Fight Against Totalitarianism

8. mája 2024 20:25
Bratislava, May 8 (TASR) - The 'Slovakia' party will always hold in great esteem those who fought or still fight against totalitarian regimes that cause human suffering, MP Michal Sipos ('Slovakia', For the People, Christian Union) stated to mark the Victory Day on Wednesday. "We in the 'Slovakia' party express our determination to protect values that have enabled us to live in peace and freedom. It's our duty to remind future generations of the horrors of war, caused by the madness of fascism. We condemn fascism and distance ourselves from those who stir intolerance and hatred among the people over different nationality, citizenship, race or those who consider other countries and their people inferior," said Sipos. 'For the People' head Veronika Remisova pointed out that the symbolism of the victory over Nazi tyranny bears urgent importance even in contemporary times, as "the enormous extent of human suffering and military ruin was preceded by the constant making of concessions to the aggressor under the veneer of peace". "We commemorate the Victory Day over Nazism at the time, when [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's extremist regime continues to wage its destructive war against our neighbour," said Remisova. She added that true patriots and freedom-loving people don't forget and will always respect the generation that fought for our freedom with arms in hand and defeated the tyranny of Nazism. mf/mcs
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