SaS: Politicians Should Unequivocally Reject Extremism

8. mája 2024 19:14
Bratislava, May 8 (TASR) - The Victory Day over fascism meant the defeat of a hateful ideology responsible for the deaths of millions, yet we bear witness with growing frequency today that the ideology of fascism and hatred has not gone away from our society even in what are almost 80 years since WW2, opposition SaS party stated in its commemoration of the Victory Day on Wednesday. SaS called on politicians to reject the hateful and extremist brand of politics unequivocally. "Hateful tendencies, often fuelled by top politicians, are still around. In addition, the rejection of democracy concomitant with desire for a totalitarian regime have prevailed in society," warned SaS chair Branislav Groehling. According to Groehling, rejection of the hateful and extremist politics means, for instance, zero cooperation with extremist parties, no participation in talk shows with wanted criminals or convicted neo-Nazis as well as clear messaging that democracy and freedom have been won in a hard-fought effort, which is why we will no longer court authoritarianism and extremism. mf/mcs
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