Ziga: Life in Peace Vital and National Interest of Slovakia

8. mája 2024 16:58
Bratislava, May 8 (TASR) - Life in peace is a vital and national interest of Slovakia because peace cannot be taken for granted and it's not a phrase, acting House Chair Peter Ziga (Voice-SD) declared on Wednesday to mark the Victory Day. According to Ziga, it's necessary to commemorate the day of victory over fascism so that we won't ever allow the causes that led to WW2 to happen again. "That was when militaristic populists, who later turned into war criminals, took advantage of an economic crisis and disintegration," Ziga declared at the Slavin Memorial in Bratislava. Ziga voiced his gratitude to every person that contributed towards the peace. He pointed out that beyond Slovakia's eastern border "the fire of war is burning again", in what is perhaps the greatest conflict since WW2. "We can see in live coverage what war brings and we should do our utmost to stop the violence and the suffering of people. We should use every option, including talks and peace initiatives," he underlined. mf/mcs
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