Slovakia Short of Cybersecurity Experts

6. mája 2024 11:50
Bratislava, May 6 (TASR) - Slovakia lacks more than 10,000 cybersecurity specialists, the organiser of ongoing national cybersecurity competition CyberGame, which features over 2,000 participants, reported on Monday. The lack of these particular skills and low awareness of cybersecurity has also been stressed by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA). "There is a shift in cybersecurity in Slovakia not only at the level of technical equipment, but also at the legislative level," said Juraj Nemecek, a security expert of a company named Alanata, adding that new legislation introduces the post of cybersecurity manager, which will decrease the critical shortage of experts with necessary experience. CyberGame is a coding competition that was created in 2022 to promote awareness of cybersecurity and to actively seek out talent in this field. The participants will compete for ten weeks, until June 9. zel/df
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