Survey: Slovaks Learn Financial Literacy Mostly from Family and Internet

4. mája 2024 18:57
Bratislava, May 4 (TASR) - Slovaks mostly use their own experience, family and internet as sources of information about finances, with school education ranking at the very bottom, according to a survey conducted by KRUK Ceska a Slovenska republika. "Relying on one's own experience to navigate the complex world of finances might not be the best decision, however. In a similar vein, seeking information on the internet might not yield all necessary and objective information. Family discussions on finances supplement the inadequate level of financial literacy education in schools," said KRUK general director Jaroslava Palendalova. About 49 percent of respondents draw lessons about finances from their own mistakes and experiences, 38 percent learn from their family and 33 percent use the internet as a source. Only 16 percent of respondents - and mostly inhabitants of the Bratislava region - utilise school education to that purpose, whereas 16 percent rely on media news. mf/mcs/ko
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