SUMMARY - Tuesday, April 23, 2024 - 9 p.m.

23. apríla 2024 21:01
Bratislava, April 23 (TASR) - MP Peter Nahlik (Voice-SD) is supposed to explain to the Conflict of Interest House Committee why he had failed to report his ownership of a house in Bratislava in his 2022 property declaration, committee chair Veronika Remisova ('Slovakia'-For the People-KU) told TASR on Tuesday. Bratislava, April 23 (TASR) - Regional prosecutors are displeased with public criticism of processes by former Special Prosecutor's Office (USP) prosecutors following the scrapping of the USP, reads a joint statement by eight regional prosecutors that the Prosecutor-General's Office provided to TASR on Tuesday. Bratislava, April 23 (TASR) - The settings of the pension system, including those of the Second Pillar, should be protected by a constitutional amendment, maintains the opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party, which is concerned that the incumbent government of Robert Fico (Smer-SD) might seize pension savings of the people. Bratislava, April 23 (TASR) - Parliament ended a debate on the legislation regulating NGOs on Tuesday. Bratislava, April 23 (TASR) - If an election to the European Parliament had been held in the first half of April, most votes would have been garnered by Progressive Slovakia (27.2 percent), followed by Smer-SD (15.2 percent) and Voice-SD (14.2 percent), according to a poll conducted by AKO agency on behalf of TV JOJ. Bratislava, April 23 (TASR) - Changes brought by the government-sponsored bill on public procurement significantly erode transparency and fair competition, which is why Slovakia may run the risk of receiving fines or even having its EU Funds payments stopped, opposition MP Veronika Remisova ('Slovakia'-For the People-KU) claimed on Tuesday. Notice: If you click on the link or copy it into the search window, the browser will display the full text of the message in the new e-TASR client zone. If you have any questions, please contact mf
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