Transport: Construction of the Okruhliak Tunnel Launched

23. apríla 2024 14:56
Presov/Bratislava, April 23 (TASR) - The National Highway Company (NDS) launched the construction works on the 1.8-kilometre long Okruhliak tunnel on Tuesday, Transport Minister Jozef Raz Jr. (Smer-SD nominee) announced on the same day. The tunnel will be part of the R4 Presov-northern bypass route. "The works are scheduled to be done in almost four years, so let's hope this date will be met or that works will be completed even sooner," said Raz. The R4 stretch, worth about €337 million VAT-free, is supposed to be completed in September 2027. "Out of that sum, €69 million has been acquired from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)," added Raz. mf
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