President Appoints New Generals for Slovak Armed Forces

18. apríla 2024 14:06
Bratislava, April 18 (TASR) - President Zuzana Caputova on Thursday appointed and promoted several generals of the Slovak Armed Forces, stressing in her address that the promoted officers personify the contribution of Slovakia and its army to NATO. Caputova promoted Brigadier Generals Juraj Stefanka and Jaroslav Kram to the rank of major general, while Colonel Aurel Sabo was promoted to Brigadier General. Given the fact that this was Caputova's last ceremonial act of appointing and promoting army generals as president and commander-in-chief of the army, she also expressed her appreciation and gratitude to the armed forces themselves. "I appreciate your professionalism, dedication and commitment in overcoming crises we have faced in previous years. To you personally and to all people of the Slovak Republic, I wish that calmer times will come," she noted. zel/mcs
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