Businesses against Legislation on Unfair Conditions in Food Trade

28. februára 2019 12:47
Bratislava, February 28 (TASR) - Entrepreneurs are criticising approved regulations concerning business relations, prices and margins in retail, TASR learnt on Thursday. This mainly concerns the law on unfair conditions in the food trade recently approved by Parliament and subsequently vetoed by the president and an amendment to the law on prices that has passed its first reading in Parliament. Disapproval with the laws has been indicated by a survey that was prepared by the Slovak Business Alliance (PAS) in cooperation with the INEKO institute. According to the results of the poll, business relations, prices and margins in retail should be controlled by the Anti-monopoly Office (PMU) and not the Agriculture Ministry. At the same time, 92 percent of the respondents think that it's wrong when the ministry has a say regarding what and to what extent businesses should promote in their leaflets. The approved legislation requires that at least 50 percent of the food promoted in marketing materials and leaflets should be Slovak. The respondents believe that regulations in such a form don't belong in retail. According to the poll, 84 percent of businesses think that the authors of the amendments didn't sufficiently explain the need for the proposed changes to the business environment. "If the Government and Parliament approve significant regulations without analysing the problem and the possible impacts, there's an increased risk that measures that only distort the market and don't bring any benefit for society will be approved," stated INEKO manager Peter Golias. zel/df
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